Published: 5/02/2021 - 12:22
Now more than ever it’s so important that we take steps to look after our emotional wellbeing. The pandemic has increased uncertainty and anxiety for many of us. At Share, our priority is to help students and staff improve their mental health and this theme runs throughout our classes.
Our Independent Living Skills group have been working on strategies to build resilience. Finding ways to communicate feelings is an important step to relieve stress. Students thought about four different emotions - angry, happy, sad, and worried, and then discussed different ways to express and manage them.
Yasmin said, 'I can pray or call my friends if I feel worried or sad', Mansoor said, 'I like to laugh and tell jokes when I'm happy', and Harish said, 'I can talk to my niece if I'm worried or sad'.
Developing ways to cope with uncertainty is key to keeping us healthy, and we’ll continue to focus on helping people take care of their mental wellbeing.
Click here for further resources that may help.