Get ready to party at Share's Annual Awards

The theme for this year's Share's Annual Awards Day is autism as we celebrate Share's Autism Accreditation by the National Autistic Society (NAS) as well as all our students' successes and achievements throughout the year.

This accreditation is significant as we continue to receive more and more referrals for autistic people, many of whom have learning disabilities as well. This dual diagnosis - sometimes coupled with mental health needs - makes the work Share does unique, by supporting our students to understand themselves and their personal needs better.

Join us on Tuesday 6th November 2018, from 11am to 3pm, and help us to celebrate the best of Share - come along and find out what we do, how we do it and our plans for the future.

We're delighted that the Mayor of Wandsworth, Cllr Piers McCausland, and our local MP for Battersea and Shadow Minister for Disabled People, Marsha de Cordova, will both be attending the event. In addition, Movement Works, which specialises in special education needs (SEN) and autism dance programmes, and provides inclusive dance movement workshops at Share, will be showing us all a few dance steps to get us active! 

And, of course, Share Catering, will be providing a delicious lunch for all our guests to enjoy.

To find out more or to register for the event, visit our events page or contact Kavita Bowry via email or telephone 020 7801 9821.

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