To help people with disability.
Our vision
To live in a world where disabled adults are genuinely valued and included, can make choices and have the freedom to achieve their ambitions.
Our mission
The role we can play in creating this world – is to:
Provide a safe, empowering and progressive experience where disabled adults can develop their skills, wellbeing and purpose to enable them to live happier, healthier and more independent lives
We undertake to:
- Be respectful to each other at all times – all of us will aim to treat each other as we’d wish to be treated ourselves, and always be mindful of the fact all our students are adults and should be treated as such;
- Be inclusive – we will celebrate the diversity of cultures, abilities and personalities at Share and we will ensure that the time and care is taken to understand and cater for individuals’ needs and preferences;
- Be supportive of each other – we will help each other out, give people the tools they need to succeed, and empower people to make choices;
- Be kind – we will look out for and after each other, and we’ll put our students’ and staff’s wellbeing at the forefront of our delivery;
- Act with integrity – when we say we’re going to do something, we’ll do it, and we’ll have high ethical and professional standards and take responsibility for our actions;
- Be ambitious – for what our students can achieve, for the development of our staff and for the changes we aim to make in society.