Steps into Employment class raise £375 to support our work
As part of their journey towards employment, Share students take part in practical activities that allow them to practise their employability skills. Recently, our Steps into Employment class hosted a pop-up market at We are 336 in Brixton and raised an impressive £375 for our charity.
Share's garden team provided some fantastic new products and beautiful plants for sale, our art students' products were (once again!) admired by everyone who stopped by, and the cookies that were baked by our home cooking group were quickly snapped up by the many shoppers who stopped by.
The Steps students running the market really grew in confidence over the course of the event and did a fantastic job of selling, using the card reader, packing up goods, and making our customers feel very welcome.
Speaking about the event, Steps tutor Emily said, 'It was great to see the students interacting with customers and events like this are so much more beneficial than being in the classroom all day!'
A big thank you to everyone who supported the market.
More about our Steps into Employment programme.