Published: 23/07/2019 - 14:38
Tablet devices are hugely beneficial for learning especially for people who face communication barriers. They help students express themselves which can reduce frustration and help with confidence. There are many specialist apps available for students to use on tablets to help them become more proficient and achieve their goals.
However technology is costly. We’ve been able to improve our digital offering for students at Share thanks to incredibly generous funding from Tony and Sheelagh Williams Charitable Foundation and The Ian Karten Charitable Trust. This kind of support is fundamental to our ability to really make a difference to people’s lives, enabling us to improve our student experience and promote inclusivity. We’ve increased the use of mobile devices throughout all our learning areas, allowing us to empower our students and help them become more independent.
We use apps like Pictello, a great tool for students who struggle with literacy. It supports different learning styles whether auditory, visual or kinaesthetic and can be applied in areas like catering where students can follow recipes at their own speed. iPads help develop life skills too, their portable nature means they can be used to create shopping lists and taken instore to help students find things they need. We’ve even used them in horticulture for plant identification and as a timetable resource. Our students have been able to express themselves creatively too, using the iPads for digital art which helps improve fine motor skills.
“iPads helps you to understand some stuff. You can use them for lots of things. They are quite useful for learning about stuff…I enjoy my classes with them it’s more fun” - Fatima
"iPads are really good, you can learn anything. When I do ICT I do emails by talking to it." -Jodie
"I'm learning to use (the) iPad for emails, taking pictures, word searches. I like it." - Yasmin