Published: 15/03/2019 - 10:38
The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race is one of the highlights of the year, and there's nothing quite like watching it from the riverside.
This year you can beat the crowds and enjoy one of the best vantage points in London. Not only will you get a clear view of the boats streaking past, but you'll have a scrumptious afternoon tea (prepared by our very own Share Catering) and wine in the company of Wandsworth's Mayor, Councillor Piers McCausland.
And, of course, you'll be supporting the Mayor's three chosen charities, of which Share is one.
This year's race takes place on Sunday 7th April 2019 between 1.30 pm until 4.30 pm.
The Women's race commences at 2.15 pm and the Men's race will start at 3.15 pm.
This year, the Boat Race Day Party is at the T.S. Challenger which is situated at Ashlone Building Putney Embankment SW151LB, with a fine view of the race and the river. A glass of prosecco on arrival and afternoon tea will be served at 2.30 pm followed by drinks and ending at 4.30pm. There will also be a raffle with some great prizes.
Tickets cost £30, payable by cash or cheque made payable to 'Mayor of Wandsworth Charity'. Alternatively, payments can be made directly into the Mayor of Wandsworth Charity Account (please remember to RSVP to Shahid via the contact details below so he can add you to the guest list):
Account Name: Mayor of Wandsworth Charity
Account No.: 69689717
Sort Code: 60 22 28
Please RSVP to the Mayor's Office as soon as possible by contacting Shahid Siddiqui via email or telephone 020 8871 6604.